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Enhance the natural flavors of your food with cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil is a neutral flavored cooking oil extracted from the seeds of cotton and has been used by American culinary experts and food brands for more than a century. Although less widely known than olive and canola oils, its benefits, including its neutral taste, versatility and high smoke point, make it a must-have in the kitchen.

  • Neutral Taste

    Allows the foods with which it’s blending to take center stage while staying resistant to undesirable flavor reversion.1

  • Versatility

    Naturally stable,2 making it ideal for a wide variety of culinary endeavors, including cooking, frying, baking and more.

  • High Smoke Point

    Considered a high-heat oil with a smoke point of 425°F,3 making it an excellent option for frying, sautéing, stir-frying and searing.

What Else Do Chefs, Culinary Experts & Nutritionists Need To Know?

  • High Performing

    Cottonseed oil has a long shelf life, making it a great cupboard staple.

  • Sustainable

    Research shows cottonseed oil has a lower environmental impact than other vegetable oils. Using cottonseed oil for frying could decrease environmental impacts for kitchens by as much as 83%.4

  • Vitamin E

    One serving of cottonseed oil (1 tablespoon) is an excellent source of vitamin E,5 an antioxidant that helps protect the body tissue from damage and helps keep the immune system strong.

  • Widely Available & Competitively Priced

    Because cottonseed oil is a byproduct of the cotton ginning process, it is widely available and less expensive than alternative vegetable oils.

  • Kosher

    Cottonseed oil is generally considered a kosher ingredient, unlike other oils including soybean and canola oils.6

Cottonseed Oil
Advisory Council Members

Burt Benrud

Burt Benrud

Vice President of Café Du Monde
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jamie Cooper

Jamie Cooper

Ph.D., Professor and Department Head of Kinesiology, Director of UGA Obesity Research Initiative University of Georgia (UGA)
Athens, Georgia

John Chisum

John Chisum

Vice President of Marketing, PYCO
Lubbock, Texas

Connie Diekman

Connie Diekman

Registered Dietitian,
Food and Nutrition Consultant
St. Louis, Missouri

Finn Walter

Finn Walter

Chef and Owner of The Nicollet
Lubbock, Texas

Get involved with the cottonseed oil Advisory Council

Learn more about enhancing your food’s natural flavors with cottonseed oil.