Brown’s Chicken

Brown’s Chicken, a celebrated fried-chicken destination since the late ’40s, hasn’t gotten its feathers ruffled over trans fats. That’s because the Chicagoland family favorite has fried plump, USDA Grade A chickens in nothing but cholesterol-free, trans-fat-free cottonseed oil since day one when Brown’s started back on the farm in 1949.
“Quite simply, our customers have told us, ‘It tastes better,’ and we believe them,” says Frank Portillo, chairman and co-founder of the restaurant chain with 45 Midwest locations. “For nearly 60 years, cottonseed oil has been a key ingredient in making our delicious fried chicken”.
“Our ingredients are shopped for quality and value that will be taste apparent with every bite,” he continues.
Chicken is only the beginning. The chain’s batter-dipped, fresh, whole mushrooms and fluffy corn fritters have created a legion of followers. With its neutral flavor, cottonseed oil is the perfect medium for frying these items, Portillo notes.
With Brown’s commitment to such quality ingredients, including cottonseed oil, it’s no wonder Chicago fried chicken fans have exclaimed the great taste of Brown’s for generations.